diumenge, 25 de gener del 2015

My GLOGSTER: Making learning visible!

The final task of the subject ‘Didàctica de la llengua anglesa’ is to set up a Glogster called ‘Making Learning Visible: Assessment and the Home School Connection in The Primary English Child-Centered Classroom’.
I have made this in order to show most of the main contents that have been learnt during this course, mainly related to the role of the teacher and the student during the assessment in a child-centred classroom. The students have to be very active, self-reliant and empowered while teachers have to plan different levels in their lessons, different ways to work (in groups, individually, in pairs…) always taking into account their aim and assessing in any given point of the session. Some examples of how to make learning visible and the importance of the home-school connection are introduced in my poster. These ideas are gathered in a poster in a visual way.
To introduce the topic of the “key in assessment” I’ve done a circle diagram that shows the main concepts to take into account when planning each sessions’ assessment. From my point of view it is very important to give a feedback with evidence, and we can get it from many different ways. We have some useful resources and I’ve introduced some examples in my interactive poster.
Finally and with regard to the above explained, I’ve added a video that clearly explains what does “Home-school connection” mean, which is nowadays essential to get a better education with all the community involved.
Now, you just have to take a look at my Glogster:

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