diumenge, 25 de gener del 2015


Before starting my reflection of the subject I think it is necessary to mention some previous ideas I had some months ago. Until now, my experience with English lessons in schools was basically a bunch of bored grammar activities that aren’t as meaningful as they should be. It is true that most of our classes had a lack of practice of all the skills. I sometimes wondered, as all teachers should do, how could I improve my teaching in the future doing meaningful lessons – because as Einstein said “Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.”

Now, after having studied this subject I can state that I have learned some strategies and I’m very glad to have been able to change my point of view regarding English lessons. I’m actually more motivated because I have many different tools to teach. For example, I have done a scrapbook with all the main contents of the subject all gathered together, I have discovered some online tools… among much more useful teaching ideas!  

Regarding the online tools, I have to recognize it was complicated for me at the beginning to understand how they work, but now I’m sure I have set up the most useful educational tools – not only for the present but also for the future. They allow us to share and organize information.  

If I had to point out something that I have really learnt, among many other things, I would choose the way to plan a unit project and the lessons. We have learnt how to do coherent lesson plans as well as meaningful activities practicing all the skills through different ways, looking at the group as different people who have different ways of learning, using as much as varied resources as we can, et. It is a good teaching practice.

To sum up, I believe it’s very difficult to realize  the impact this subject has had on me, but I have many evidences that show me it’s has been very useful. What I know is that it has given me the key to start being a better teacher, however, I know I have to improve my skills throughout my entire professional career. I’m willing to do that because teachers are who lead the education in order to form students that will lead the world.


My GLOGSTER: Making learning visible!

The final task of the subject ‘Didàctica de la llengua anglesa’ is to set up a Glogster called ‘Making Learning Visible: Assessment and the Home School Connection in The Primary English Child-Centered Classroom’.
I have made this in order to show most of the main contents that have been learnt during this course, mainly related to the role of the teacher and the student during the assessment in a child-centred classroom. The students have to be very active, self-reliant and empowered while teachers have to plan different levels in their lessons, different ways to work (in groups, individually, in pairs…) always taking into account their aim and assessing in any given point of the session. Some examples of how to make learning visible and the importance of the home-school connection are introduced in my poster. These ideas are gathered in a poster in a visual way.
To introduce the topic of the “key in assessment” I’ve done a circle diagram that shows the main concepts to take into account when planning each sessions’ assessment. From my point of view it is very important to give a feedback with evidence, and we can get it from many different ways. We have some useful resources and I’ve introduced some examples in my interactive poster.
Finally and with regard to the above explained, I’ve added a video that clearly explains what does “Home-school connection” mean, which is nowadays essential to get a better education with all the community involved.
Now, you just have to take a look at my Glogster: