diumenge, 14 de desembre del 2014


The title of this English book is: Comet. For 5th and 6th grade,
Editorial: SM
It is created under the idea of "Learning English trough factual texts" (content and literature)

It uses a methodology that approaches to language learing:

1. Experimental learning.

2. Communicative methodology.
TAVI: Text As a Vehicle For Information (in order to get information)
TALO: Text As a Language Object (to study the language)
The book contains fiction texts like: stories, dialogues, postcards… and non-fiction texts like: fact files, descriptions, instructions, emails, news, articles of science magazines, maps…

3. CLIL: through literature and content (stories and factual texts) CLIL pages instead of a CLIL book.
Some contents of CLIL are: social sciences, maths, natural science, etc…

The autors tried to make an attractive book for the pupils (even a good physical appealing), something enjoyable and from the real world and activities that allows the pupils to produce something to learn.

Here we han an example of an activity under the idea of “scaffolding”:

a. Animal poem (description):
First line 1 word: frog
Second line 2 words: green, small
Third line 3 words: jumping, eating, swimming
Fourth line 4 words: big eyes, long tongue
Fifth line 1 word: amphibian

Trough the most of the activities of the book teachers should… recognise the creations of their students, talk about the vocabulary, make them to read the answers aloud or work in groups, swap their work. It has to be necessary for them to realize why they must understand the vocabulary, for example, asking them to guess which animal have thought his classmate or make pears between the description and some pictures of animals, etc.

Estructure of the book:
Every unit has these parts:
- Introduction (to introduce the unit theme)
- Vocabulary
- Grammar